Bill Tatu is a physical therapist working in Cancer Rehabilitation at the VCU Medical Center, providing services for individuals to maintain and restore strength and functional ability.
Bill trained and served in the Army for 20 years before working at VCU Medical Center as a physical therapist and has worked as a part of the MCV Health System for 11 and a half years.
Bill said he first noticed problems with his right hip while serving in the Army, but it worsened over the years and became unbearable during the last six months of 2007. Bill said it was similar to falling off of a cliff how suddenly the pain increased; almost any type of activity would cause intense pain.
“Everything hurt ... coughing hurt,” Bill said.
The only solution was to undergo a total hip replacement which took place in January of 2008. To help prepare for surgery, Bill took up swimming, which played a major part in his recovery from surgery.
Bill said three weeks after the hip replacement, he was back swimming a mile at the MCV Campus Recreation and Aquatic Center, even though he was still on crutches to get around. After about eight weeks he was able to use the other fitness equipment such as the elliptical trainer and stair climber.
“I felt normal at five weeks,” Bill said, “the pain was totally gone.”
Bill said he knew what to expect from the recovery due to his experience as a physical therapist. What did surprise him, he said, was how good he felt after consistent swimming sessions. While prior to surgery he preferred going on long runs, he has found that long swimming sessions don’t generate aches and pains the way running did.
“I'm much stronger than I was before,” Bill said.
Bill said he chose to workout at VCU Recreational Sports facilities instead of other local options because of the proximity to his job and the excellent facilities. The close proximity allows him to workout around his work schedule and he finds that very convenient.
“You wouldn't be able to do that if you were somewhere else,” Bill said.
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