Wednesday, March 4, 2009

RecPass Comes to Siegel Center

Entrance into Rec Sports at the Siegel Center will soon be quicker than ever. Rather than having to wait in line to have your card swiped, users will now be able to go through the turnstiles by simply waving their VCUCard at the card reader and placing their right index finger on the finger recognition reader. By adding RecPass, Rec Sports says it will be able to better understand facility usage patterns. This will allow Rec Sports to plan for staffing during busy times, enhance programming, and provide better customer service.

You may enroll in RecPass now! Stop by the service desk and let the attendant know that you want to register. Your VCUCard will be swiped and you will also place your finger on the reader so that your print will be in the Rec Sports member records.

This new system will add security to the Recreational Sports facilities by confirming that the actual cardholder is the one entering the building.

If you choose to not register for RecPass, you can still swipe your VCUCard at the service desk. You will also have to swipe your card when you leave. However, please note that the service desk staff will be giving priority service to individuals with questions, rentals, memberships, and other detailed business, so you may have to wait to gain access to the facility.


Anonymous said...

And by "you can still swipe your VCUCard at the service desk" it is meant that "you cannot still swipe your VCUCard at the service desk". I was just refused entry to Rec Sports about twenty minutes ago after expressing my wish not to sign up for RecPass. The girl at the desk refused to swipe my card and told me that "if you don't like it, you can choose not to come", as though I was unaware of my free will. While I might otherwise be inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt and chalk her rudeness up to confusion about how this new (and completely unnecessary) system works, her two fellow employees failed to correct her, implying that this is indeed the new policy and the preferred way of talking to gym patrons.

I would hope that I might still be able to use my VCUCard to gain access to the gym without becoming part of the matrix, and that this was simply another snarky encounter with those inconvenienced with employment.

Evidently it is too difficult to swipe cards and provide locks to those who need them, and somehow the magic of having my finger print in a computer is going to really improve the staffing of the gym at its peak hours with more people who sigh, roll their eyes, watch DVDs at the front desk, and refuse to swipe my card. Where again do I sign up for that job?

Gabriel said...

I have many questions about this system and no one at the front desk has been able to adequately answer them. I was given the run around about why I needed to have my card swiped and my finger printed to get into the gym. Apparently it is proving to difficult for the employees to properly identify ID with the people trying to get into the gym and now they have implemented this finger print system.

Are they trying to cut down on front desk jobs by implementing the new system? I feel like there are many details being hidden from the gym patrons about this system and the employees seems to have less than adequate answers.